Tag reviews

Review: The Expanded Bible

How do you review The Bible? Really, you can’t review the text itself. You can review how it was written and the style, but not the content. Thomas Nelson released The [Expanded] Bible this summer with praise from John Ortberg.…

find your [remedy].

The David Crowder Band has a way with music and worship, a fusion of passionate energy, creative talent and an ever-apparent love for their God. Their work in the Remedy Club Tour Edition CD/DVD is no different. After the Fall…

the secret life.

Maybe I missed it, but ABC Family’s hit summer debut seems to have snuck past the realm of (most of) the youth ministry blogosphere. I don’t know how my wife heard about it, but I would have missed this. Right…


Originally published at:   Dan Merchant wonders, “Guys, guys [and presumably gals, too]—how are we supposed to have a conversation when everybody’s talking at once? Why is the Gospel of love dividing America?” Want to know why? Merchant decided to…


Originally published at: In college, one of my friends thought a jazz book was misplaced in the spirituality section of the local bookstore. He bought it, liked it, passed it around his apartment and the rest of campus. None of…

The New Christians

Originally published at: The American frontier was often a dark and scary place for those back home. If you weren’t adventurous enough to head out west on your own, you sat back home and worried about those who did. Tony…