A few pictures from Ian and Andrea's wedding tonight. Nothing compared to Casey, but that's why he gets paid. Excited to see this day finally come for these two. …
09.2009: week 3
The game was loud, the game was excited...but the game didn't quite go our way. Still a fun experience to see the Hokies kick off the '09 season. A few sights from the game: …
09.2009: week 2
Ok, so I'm a little behind on week 2's pics. I like giving fun presents. Self-serving? Hmm, I guess maybe. But it's more fun experiencing joy firsthand. So for Kim's birthday, I gave her tickets to …
09.2009: Week 1
It seemed like it would never come. We had planned a great vacation to San Diego for months, and it seemed so far off. After a busy start to the summer (buying a new house, running a mission trip, …
08.2009: Week 4
I've got plenty of new pictures from the summer, so it's time to start fresh with Picture of the Week. Back in July, my brother and I decided to spend an evening watching baseball. With the …
06.2009: week 1
My ultimate goal is to hang this picture on the wall of my office, but since I'm moving offices before the end of the summer, I'll "hang" it here instead. Camden Yards is one of the greatest places to …