Growing up, I vividly remember standing in the church parking lot one Christmas Eve, looking up at the dark sky and seeing a red blinking light flash across the sky.
The older boys I was with were positive it was Santa’s sleigh. It was like we were the search party, trying to find the red light.

Fast forward a few years, and I remember each year brought a new “must-have” gift. Companies begin planning their new products around the holiday season so we would clamor to the store, fending off our eager competitors to get the latest and greatest.
There might be one gift each of us is still seeking after right now, and it’s tomorrow is Christmas. And if we really wanted, we would call on a search party to pick up the gift for us. Nowadays, Amazon might be your search party – if only the gift will arrive in time!
There was a search party at the first Christmas, too. But this search party was sent with three out of the ordinary gifts. You wouldn’t give these gifts to just any baby, but the symbols were meant for this baby.
King Herod, a jealous, fearful king, heard about these gifts and sent these men with their gifts to find Jesus so “[he] can go and worship him, too!”
Thankfully, when it was time to go home, the kings traveled another route. Herod didn’t care about the baby. This baby was a threat to his throne, and this baby needed to go. The symbols were more than Herod could handle.
Imagine being born and already having people coming after you!
You could send out a search party in these last few days, seeking after some precious gift. Think about what that gift will be.
This Christmas, what are you seeking after?