Tag reviews


I didn’t have to be as stealthy as Marko to get an early copy of “Remedy,” I just had to know the right person, and he loaned it to me. Crowder has always had a way with worship, and “Remedy”…

threads: get uncomfortable.

For a couple years, I have had the hardest time finding decent Bible studies for college students. Get Uncomfortable has great media included — not an overdose, but a nice compliment — and great insight on a subject that so…

summer reading.

My brother had to read the incomprehensible, boring, required summer reading texts for his AP English class this summer. I finally got to read what I wanted to read! Here’s a few of them: Praise Habit: David CrowderWhile I have…


We spent a good three days with Tony Campolo in town last week. He had a lot of great ideas to share, and was incredibly down to earth. The first night he spoke on Becoming Red-Letter Christians. He gave a…

jesus camp.

The most alarming aspect of Academy Award-nominated Jesus Camp is the indoctrination of children at an incredibly young age. Mike Papantonio, a political radio show host, confronts Becky Fischer with this realization during their on-air interview. Becky, the leader of…

me, myself and bob: part III

A couple weeks ago I was looking forward to reading Me, Myself and Bob. Then I read the book and wrote the formal “review”. Now I’m gonna take a shot at conveying what I took away from it. In Chapter…