Tag church

02.2007: week 4

FLASHBACK: Back in Fall 2003 I volunteered at the Church Hill Christian Wellness Center, an inner-city center supported by the Baptist churches in Richmond. I would ride the GRTC city bus from the upper-middle class West End of Richmond into…

my worldview

These online quizzes are sometimes a bit shady. However, I enjoyed taking this one and thinking about the questions as I went through. And I consider it a proud moment that I’m only 14% Fundamentalist… You scored as Emergent You…

my Gospel: part deux

After hearing the professor outline the main points we probably should have included, and the style in which we should probably write, I edited a bit. Here’s the second go… My Gospel:Revised God created each of us in the likeness…

my Gospel.

This semester I’m taking a class entitled “Life and Work of the Pastor.” Our assignment for Tuesday was to write our Gospel, or what we would share with someone as the essential elements of our Christian faith. The first attempt…

me, myself and bob: part III

A couple weeks ago I was looking forward to reading Me, Myself and Bob. Then I read the book and wrote the formal “review”. Now I’m gonna take a shot at conveying what I took away from it. In Chapter…


Just answer 20 questions and find out what religion you should be. Mine was pretty right on, 100% in agreement with “Mainline to Liberal Protestant Christians” Beliefnet.com