Sunday Recap

Thanks to Kurt for the Weekend Wrapup/Sunday Recap idea. Kurt has three services each weekend, just for Jr Highers. Thankfully I only have one! I’ve wanted to follow along since I started at GBC, but didn’t have the “go get ’em” yet. Here goes, the first of a weekly recurrence:

This was our winter kickoff. We took the week off last week, and still kind of getting into the groove. But we made tonight our kickoff and had pizza, drinks and dessert afterwards. Which meant there were…

ATTENDANCE: So many youth!! It was great. We had a lot of good connections between some youth from relatively new families to the church, and being the kickoff everyone made sure to be there tonight. And we also were missing a lot of “regulars,” for one reason or another. I couldn’t really get a feel for the size while we were in there — it looked a lot like it usually does, just a little tighter. There’s something great about a lot of youth packed into a room.

FUN FACTOR: Absolutely non-existent. Well, not completely true. I tossed in a fun YouTube video (see below).

LESSON: This was intense. I was a little bit worried about such a tough lesson. Tonight we started a three-week mini series on what it means to be part of a baptist church. Tonight was baptism. Why did I pick baptism on winter kickoff night? It went really well, and once we got rolling I had a great time. I took a Nooma-esque approach and re-potted a plant while I talked through Colossians 2 and the idea of baptism. I had one of the seniors read the Scripture and alternated with me digging in a little deeper. And it really was intense. I hope it connected with the youth like it connected with me. Next up: communion.

MUSIC: Our creative arts hour (create) doesn’t start ’til next week, so Shawn (music minister) led worship tonight — instead of the youth doing it. Just him and a guitar. It went really well.

VOLUNTEER INVOLVEMENT: Lower than it should be. We’ve got to have more adults to make connections with the youth. Shout-out to my wife for hanging out in the middle of ’em tonight. Good work :-)