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coming soon…

Wow, time flies. All of a sudden we’re halfway through March and I haven’t written anything since early February. Writer’s block, the intensity of school, an incredibly busy schedule and a lack of really anything to write about [and no…

03.2007: week 1

Well, I made it a few weeks… We’re back on track now, although I think I’ll back-date a picture and make the flashback be the last week of February. Cause this week there’s a great picture. Jacob and Joanne had…

02.2007: week 4

FLASHBACK: Back in Fall 2003 I volunteered at the Church Hill Christian Wellness Center, an inner-city center supported by the Baptist churches in Richmond. I would ride the GRTC city bus from the upper-middle class West End of Richmond into…

my worldview

These online quizzes are sometimes a bit shady. However, I enjoyed taking this one and thinking about the questions as I went through. And I consider it a proud moment that I’m only 14% Fundamentalist… You scored as Emergent You…

02.2007: week 1

The best part about writing your own blog and being your own boss is that you can make your own rules! So now the first week of each month will be “archive week.” This week’s picture comes from Impact Virginia!…

01.2007: week 4

Freak weather is expected in Central Virginia. Like Thursday, when Jacob called from 5 miles away and asked if the snow was supposed to stick. My response: “What snow?” It wasn’t snowing — in fact, I think the sun was…