Next Level Justice

What does it mean to take justice to the next level? Pastor Phil taught yesterday on the parable of a rich man and a beggar who end up on opposing sides of eternity. We live in a wealthy county next…
What does it mean to take justice to the next level? Pastor Phil taught yesterday on the parable of a rich man and a beggar who end up on opposing sides of eternity. We live in a wealthy county next…
I visited Lumpkin’s Slave Jail a year ago with 30 new friends and heard Ben Campbell retell stories of the jail. This site brings a range of emotions when you hear Ben tell the story (read Ben’s take on Richmond history)…
When baseball returned to Richmond for its latest go-round in April 2010, there was no other place I wanted to be. After spending quite a few days during the summer of ’09 at Camden Yards, I was ready for baseball…
“Excitement” only begins to tell the story of seeing the column published Saturday’s newspaper. The response, the comments, and the shares on social media have shown change is possible and Our City has a bright future. Here are a few comments…
Here’s a piece I wrote, published in today’s Richmond Times-Dispatch: It feels so good to give. Millions of pounds of food are donated and distributed in our city every year. Families are provided new toys and gifts for their children each…
if I die young… And I’ll be wearing white when I come into your Kingdom… On a rainy night in July 2011, Amber passed away in a car accident. Seeing hundreds of people pack into the church the next week…