Category commentary


Last week, I watched someone practicing their craft. It was well-executed, but there were a few elements I thought could use some work. I got to thinking about the giving and receiving of feedback, and I realized this person would…

Next Level Justice

Panhandler (Flickr):

What does it mean to take justice to the next level? Pastor Phil taught yesterday on the parable of a rich man and a beggar who end up on opposing sides of eternity. We live in a wealthy county next…

The Morning After

ground zero 2006

The sun rose and life was different. “Pinch me,” many of them probably said. “Is this real life? Tell me this is a dream.” Mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, husbands and wives, awoke on September 12 trying to understand…

“Support the Troops!”

Support Our Troops

Living generously starts at home with the people we encounter most. But what about a national, patriotic call of duty? How generous are we? Last weekend, the U.S. Army supported a college football game I attended, and at a break…