A Great Weekend Already

This morning I sent out this text message to the youth coming on the retreat this weekend:

when clock strikes 10 2nite u will run+hide+try 2 win the game. be sure u dress the part. dark clothes, camo, face paint, whatever u need!

A few hours later, I get this e-mail from a parent:

subject: Funny Teenage Moment!

Aaron–to many…this would not be “encouragement”…to someone in your position, I think it will be! This morning-before 8:15…before he even ate breakfast…[my son] smiled AND laughed! He read your email about the gear needed for some type of hunt(?) and laughed out loud! He said something about knowing a thing or two about stealth…then said, “this should be fun!”. Music to a parents ears…hope it is for you, too. Thank you for all you do to show our Creator to our children each and every week…lower and upper school alike. Have a blessed day and weekend.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Ah, youth retreats. Can’t wait. Picking up Robbie from the airport in a few hours, and then it’s on. Fun times in youth ministry, with a great team of volunteers, and a great interim high school pastor to work with.