Our pastor, Phil, is currently in the middle of the Jesus Ultimatum series. It’s a 42-week series (I know, 42 sounds like a long time. I forget to exact number, but it is greater than 40 and less than 52. 42 sounded good for today. The exact number is largely irrelevant, except to Phil’s sermon preparation). Every week or two, we move from one sub-theme to the next, and each sub-theme has its own piece of artwork, commissioned and created within the church. Each piece of displayed at the front of the Worship Center through a portion of the series, and becomes the focal point for a week or two.
At some point within the past few weeks, somewhere around Palm Sunday and Easter, the sub-theme was “sacrifice.” [due to an unfortunate oversight, we missed the artwork during these few weeks. My ignorance is due to this oversight, not my lack of interest or attention to the sermons]. When I volunteered to participate in this art experience, this was my word. Thus, my piece of artwork:
Although it was not highlighted during the series, it was included in the art gallery during the 20th Anniversary Celebration last weekend. I’ve never had work in a gallery before!