Share Christmas

Ward had two choices: give Jerry what he wanted to buy for this mother let Jerry earn it and shop himself Giving seems to be the best way to celebrate the season, right? Making the boy earn it would put…
Ward had two choices: give Jerry what he wanted to buy for this mother let Jerry earn it and shop himself Giving seems to be the best way to celebrate the season, right? Making the boy earn it would put…
Here’s a piece I wrote, published in today’s Richmond Times-Dispatch: It feels so good to give. Millions of pounds of food are donated and distributed in our city every year. Families are provided new toys and gifts for their children each…
As with most of what I post on the blog, I write more for me than for you. Along my own journey, I hope you can pick up something helpful for your own journey. Friends have mentioned Toxic Charity numerous…
On Friday, we looked at the story of the Widow’s Mite from the Gospel of Luke. Here’s a modern day example: We’ll call her Trisha. Trisha visited our Food Pantry a few times. Her health kept her down more than…
In the midst of writing these posts over the past few days, I ran across this life lesson Jesus taught his disciples. The experience is told in Mark 12. 41Jesus sat down near the collection box in the Temple and…
When I was younger, we lived in a small neighborhood. Most of our playtime was at one of a few friends’ homes, or on the cul de sac in front of our house. Because we were almost always outside, we…