Tag worship


from the desk of JC. no, not THAT one… What is the price or value of a soul? $215,000. That’s the price that Wal-mart has put on each of their customers. A couple weeks ago, I happened upon a documentary…


The first Christmas Eve I was on staff at a church, we had our Christmas Eve service Saturday night, as Christmas was on Sunday. On the way out that night, I stood with the Pastor at the back door, as…


One of my classes this semester is entitled, “Music and Worship.” I am trying very hard to be objective about the worship experiences I have had in churches during the past few years, and put them through the filters of…


I didn’t have to be as stealthy as Marko to get an early copy of “Remedy,” I just had to know the right person, and he loaned it to me. Crowder has always had a way with worship, and “Remedy”…

07.2007: week 4

I spent last weekend in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina with a friend’s youth group as their worship leader, and then travelled with them to Greenville, North Carolina where they worked with the Hispanic Ministry of the South Roanoke Baptist Association…

story time.

This is such a great story. While I did not take it lightly as it occurred, I did not let it drag me down. This episode happened in early 2007. I did not feel comfortable posting the story then, due…