Tag Toxic Charity Series

Breeding Non-Toxic Charity


As with most of what I post on the blog, I write more for me than for you. Along my own journey, I hope you can pick up something helpful for your own journey. Friends have mentioned Toxic Charity numerous…

Real Life: The Mite at Work


On Friday, we looked at the story of the Widow’s Mite from the Gospel of Luke. Here’s a modern day example: We’ll call her Trisha. Trisha visited our Food Pantry a few times. Her health kept her down more than…

Micah’s Mantra

Book of Micah

  This Scripture is quoted often when social justice and the Church meet. Many a mission experiences have emblazoned these words on t-shirts, logos, buses, programs and training handouts. And rightly so. There is great power packed into these few…

Close the Food Pantry Already! [Part 2]

food co-op

This post is a continuation from yesterday’s introduction to why we need to change the food pantry goals. Here are four things Lupton says we need to consider in our development work: Don’t subsidize poverty When we give away food…

Why Angel Tree Needs A Makeover

Angel Tree

Imagine it’s Christmas, and you can hardly make ends meet. Your husband and three young kids are excited about Christmas, but only for the decorations everywhere else. Your house is bare. You have little money for food, much less gifts…

The Oath

The Oath for Compassionate Service Never do for the poor what they have (or could have) the capacity to do for themselves. Limit one-way giving to emergency situations. Strive to empower the poor through employment, lending, and investing, using grants…