Tag faith


I hate politics. In grade school it was a popularity contest. In the “big boy” world it’s about making the other guy (or other woman) look like a sissy, a screw-up, a scum bag, and the spawn of Satan. and…

oh! gravity!

after a long, rainy drive down the interstate we finally made it to norfolk. it’s become a tradition to eat at max + erma’s before the show, so we grabbed dinner at the mall before we headed across the street.…

Earth to Pat Robertson.

Did he really just say we should go ahead and assasinate President Chavez if we’re already planning on it? What an idiot!!! And I say that in the most loving, caring way possible. Somebody needs to yank the plug from…

the emerging church.

I just finished The Emerging Church by Dan Kimball, and wow! it was a great read. for the past two weeks I couldn’t put it down (often sacrificing reading for school to get through this book!). the whole time, I’m…

tough issues.

Earlier this week, I sat down with our campus minister (CM) and we were talking with another guy about this campus ministry and what it means to be a leader. Our CM played the word association game with this guy–Christians…

baptists and the Bible.

Originally published The Religious Herald, March 3, 2005: In a letter in the Religious Herald dated Feb. 3, Greene Hollowell condemned the Baptist General Association of Virginia’s stance on abortion, as published in Truthfully Speaking (available at ). Mr. Hollowell…