Tag church


Jesus comes into the city on a simple mule, and you got people today expanding His gospel in corporate jets. Senator CHARLES E. GRASSLEYon the investigation of six prominent evangelistic ministries and whether they illegally used donations to finance lavish…


from the desk of JC. no, not THAT one… What is the price or value of a soul? $215,000. That’s the price that Wal-mart has put on each of their customers. A couple weeks ago, I happened upon a documentary…


In the first (of hopefully many) Mission Minute features for Bon Air, we take a look at the team that recently traveled to Peru as part of the disaster response after the August earthquakes. On the personal side, my dad…


One of my classes this semester is entitled, “Music and Worship.” I am trying very hard to be objective about the worship experiences I have had in churches during the past few years, and put them through the filters of…


Part two of the Young Leaders Program starts tomorrow afternoon. I’ve tried to be more motivated about posting on the blog, so I figure this is as good of a time as any to start posting every day. I’ll try…

threads: get uncomfortable.

For a couple years, I have had the hardest time finding decent Bible studies for college students. Get Uncomfortable has great media included — not an overdose, but a nice compliment — and great insight on a subject that so…