monday (wednesday) rundown

the weekend… It’s mid-November, in Virginia. This weekend on our high school mini-retreat I jet skiied, went out on a boat, watched my kids go tubing. It was a blast. Then it turned cold, and it’s around 25 degrees at home now.

procrastinating? yes. paper’s due, discussion boards are due. internet is sparse, or $15/day. Panera is across the street, so I will be spending much of my week here. a stack of books to read, school work to finish before the end of the semester. it’s busy!

where I am… Nashville!!! Sitting a block off Broadway, enjoying the warmth of the southern sun. It’s probably 40 degrees here. We started setting up in the exhibit hall yesterday (Tuesday) and things get rolling tomorrow.

That’s all for now, too much to say, too little time. Now it’s back to work.