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me, myself and bob: part II

I hated VeggieTales. When WoW put “His Cheeseburger” on its 1999 release, I was ready to throw the CD out the window. Fast-forward to 2006. Phil Vischer was a keynote speaker at this fall’s YS Convention in Charlotte, and I…

01.2007: week 3

I kinda liked a song over the summer by this new band, The Fray. Except I didn’t really know what the band’s name was. I didn’t know anything about them. Then I read Relevant Magazine’s cover story in late summer,…


Just answer 20 questions and find out what religion you should be. Mine was pretty right on, 100% in agreement with “Mainline to Liberal Protestant Christians”

passing the baton.

Something I’ve noticed in my 16 months of church work is a general disinterest amongst the Boomers & Beyond of passing on the baton to the younger generations within the church. There are solid people coming through our doors who…

this week in pictures.

My friend Jenn started a new blog last week: a picture a day. I thought, “Hey, this is a pretty cool idea. I could do that.” Then I realized that would mean putting a picture online every day. Picture of…

me, myself and bob.

Phil Vischer was one of the best speakers at the NYWC this year. Certainly not because of his speaking skills–even now as I listen to his talk, it’s obvious he’s frequently leaning on his notes. But Phil had a lot…