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The guys just got out of the studio recording their 6-track demo, and it’s great to hear their stuff again. “Dance Revival” has one of my favorite lines ever in a song: “ain’t no fire gonna get me, i was…

two months…

…since the last blog post. And just as long since the last POTW. Oh well, life shall continue. And perhaps I will start blogging more often again. Plenty has happened since July 18, which is probably why I haven’t blogged.…

09.2007: week 2

The start of school meant a boring week. Which means it’s time for a flashback: In the fall of 2005, I got to spend a weekend away from school on the island of Andros in the Bahamas. A church in…

09.2007: week 1

An archive in week 1? Naw, let’s keep breaking the rules. April 16 at Virginia Tech was a horrible day. Since then, Hokie Nation has wanted to return to normalcy. Part of the recovery process was a date they all…

08.2007: week 4

Kim and I were excited to spend a week at the beach with my family. It had been a long summer, and fall was right around the corner. We had been dating for seven months, and after spending 3 hours…

08.2007: week 3

The start of the school year means college football season is right around the corner! The Spiders returned to the field this past week, so this week features another flashback. In the fall of 2004, Coach Dave Clawson had just…