Category church


Part two of the Young Leaders Program starts tomorrow afternoon. I’ve tried to be more motivated about posting on the blog, so I figure this is as good of a time as any to start posting every day. I’ll try…

threads: get uncomfortable.

For a couple years, I have had the hardest time finding decent Bible studies for college students. Get Uncomfortable has great media included — not an overdose, but a nice compliment — and great insight on a subject that so…

story time.

This is such a great story. While I did not take it lightly as it occurred, I did not let it drag me down. This episode happened in early 2007. I did not feel comfortable posting the story then, due…


It is not very often that I preach at church. Generally, the pastor is there on Sundays. If he’s not, either I will fill in, or we’ll call one of our friends to come preach. In just under 2 years,…


We spent a good three days with Tony Campolo in town last week. He had a lot of great ideas to share, and was incredibly down to earth. The first night he spoke on Becoming Red-Letter Christians. He gave a…

College-Age Ministry

Just as we were starting our college-age ministry a few months ago, I had a pastor ask me why we had chosen Tuesday night. “Why not Friday night,” he asked, “because that’s the night they always hang out anyway?” Maybe…