

A husband and daddy, born, raised, educated & employed in #RVA. Director of Programming @1stThings1stRVA. Making the most of life in Our City. Views my own.

Undignified News

The presumption of innocence…is the principle that one is considered innocent until proven guilty. Scanning through my news feed this morning, I saw a raw video posted by a local news station, claiming a “strong reaction” from a defendant’s mother…

Isabel: 10 Years Later

hurricane isabel DR 02

When the sun arose across the University of Richmond the day after Hurricane Isabel, we saw what had been left behind. Only one building sustained structural damage; it was mine, and the damage was minimal. Before the storm, I had…

And the next Miss America is…

Nina Davulur (Wikimedia): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nina_davuluri_2013-09-16_14-14.jpg

Miss 7-11 Miss Al Qaeda A terrorist Not blonde, so not really American Like our President, not American I honestly did not know the Miss America Pageant was even on last night until Jen Hatmaker filled hijacked my Twitter feed.…

Next Level Justice

Panhandler (Flickr): http://flic.kr/p/8VJ1bF

What does it mean to take justice to the next level? Pastor Phil taught yesterday on the parable of a rich man and a beggar who end up on opposing sides of eternity. We live in a wealthy county next…